Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Endless love

Ballet company...

Ballerina Sunset

Closing up for the ballet shoot

My nonchalant look...

My smile...

Busy busy busy...lots and lots of pictures to edit...owe ivan's kiaros" BBQ pics...owe dao sao their wedding pics...ballet shoot...preparing for bangkok trip in july..saving up for canada trip next yr...and a possible cambodia trip in dec...looking for job many things to do...but i like...haha...

Saturday, May 17, 2008


exams are over..yes over as in badly done...hmmm...
this is the first time i've done so badly...i mean i'm not super smart...but i've nv leave an exam hall hoping for a pass..
bad bad bad...really through the uni's regulation..i've only got 3 more chances to retake those i've failed or done guess i've to really mug my life out to make amendments for being lazy..
this time round...really gotta get serious already...for once i've lost interest in everything..then become restless...then lazy...and it becomes a habit...
My primary school teacher once said..never form a bad habit..because when u remove the 'H' u've got 'abit'...when u remove 'A'..u still have that 'bit'...even when u remove 'B'...u still have 'it' nv develop a bad that i've fallen into the'll take alot to kick the friends and family..when u see me lazing around...please kick my butt...and make me work...!!
i've to fight it...this time i'll....

yuppie...aka see ghost




went to meet up with my fellow guardsmen...haha...miss them lots..the times we had back in army..the stupid things we did....the shit we went through together...and somehow...when we get together...all the funny words just keeps coming's good to see everyone doing much as the the army system still nids to get sort out...the brotherhood formed will last a long long time...and thats the only positive outcome of NS i feel..

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Birthday

If I'm colour blind


Hot !!!

It's every sense of it...

Exams started...feels ok the paper..but still..not really confident abt it cos i dunno wad i dunno...tmr is in the morning..and after lunch..sianz..and i'm no where near finishing my revision...gotta burn the midnight oil already..
meeting a seller for my long awailted SB-800...finally can do indoor shoots!!!

Her birthday today...8th's been a so fast..time really flies...everything is still so vivid in my mind...but i've learn to put them aside...missing is hard...but time will heal all things...and we'll come out stronger each time...
Wonder how she's celebrating this year...think she'll be really happy!
Just wanna wish her Happy birthday...hope my blessing and wishes for her will come true...

Thinking of setting up a blog dedicated to the scenes of singapore..young and and rustic...everything about singapore..after 22 years..i now then starting to realise that it's really a great place to be in..after hearing experiences of people who had live in many parts of the world..but i've no idea how to go about setting this up..if anyone has any let me know..=)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rock climbing....

French kid trying out rock climbing...he's easily distracted...

Our instructor for the climb workshop @ climb adventure

Cindy posing for a shot..haha

On board the DHL balloon at 150 feet

A busy sunset..

Had a fun weekend...went for a ride on the DHL balloon...the scene was really nice...but the ride last just a little over 10 it's kinda short..the wind above is really strong..and the whole "cage" was shaking badly..but it was refreshing..never thought a local like me would go try it out..haha..try it b4 it's gone...
And oso the climb workshop over at climb adventure at clementi...was accompanying Cindy...and i thought it'll be a breeze..but i was wrong..haha..soon my arms was shaking badly...totally out of shape..but really enjoy the sport..conquering heights...but needed more training in order to get more fun out of it the next time...definitly gonna try the more climbing after exams..and the level 1 course and after that i'll be able to climb anywhere!!!
really wanna get back to my more adventurous life in the is too short to waste it on boring stuff...check out skydive in thailand..will be making a trip there at the end of the yr..finally !!!
a possible vietnam trip in oct...
soooo looking forward to everything...gotta save up now...

but's back to mugging for exams...left 2 more days..omg...hopefully all goes well...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

8th May

Retouching the first beautiful sunset with an old age feel

My Sunset fantasy

HDR Sunset @ keppel marina

After staring too long at books, past exams papers

Exams exams exams!!!!
Been preparing for's gonna be tough..but i'll just try my best...taking things easy...but not'll commence on 8th May...a date that keep popping out of nowhere..that keep buggin me...izzet a sign that something's gonna hpn??
it's a special date...not just becos it's the start of my exams...but's her's been a yr...time really flies...if everything went smoothly..we would have been friends for a yr now...but we went from strangers to friends to lovers to friends to strangers again...a "completed" so much thing to say to her...but will never get the chance her a birthday gift...but thinking of whether to gif it to her...not that it meant anything anymore..just a wish for her...
i may not have been updating..but i feel much better now...still misses her..but moving on already..always on the lookout for opportunity to meet learn new craft and to further my interest in photography...i dunno how she's now...but i guess no news is the best news sometimes...means she's getting on well...happy...blissful...and that's wonderful for her...thank god for that...
hope it'll be a peaceful May...hope she graduates with great results this semester...hope she finds a good a good life...
Been thinking on making a backpacking trip...think this coming holiday might just be it...really wanna go out and haf fun...experience life on backpack...taking pictures...relaxing...making new friends...really hope all will fall nicely into place soon...