Thursday, November 27, 2008

Life is too short...too sudden

Just gotten the news of my uncle's death...
And the funeral and cremation was promptly dealt with...
I din really noe him well cos i've like nv really seen him before all these years..
this was only the third funeral i've attended of my relatives...

seeing my dad crying for the first heart melted...tears followed...even the dog's howling seems so tearful...although i dun noe him personally..but when it all comes down to the final moment of life in flesh and blood...nothing else really matters just laid there...motionless..

the only thing tat matters is wad u leave behind...whether if it resentment..a ones..enemies..memories...those things intangible...things you cannot touch but you can feel...

dun wait till the last moment of someone you love to show them tat love..those feelings so precious..dun just keep it in your it in your everyday life...

life is too wont know wad will happen tmr..

"For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day! "

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

LaSalle College of the Arts

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Speak up...trying

Speak up...trying, originally uploaded by pinkass.

It's November already...
How time after day..month after month...year on year...
It'll wait for no one...How have you live your days, months and year???

Met up wif old frens..been awhile...enjoyed's getting alot tougher..marathon getting nearer...
Met Lirong on the train one morning...really really out of the blue...we had hi and byes and how are you only...really awkward...hafnt seen her like 4 years already...God bless =)
But this sets me day if i were to meet Her...similar scenario...izzet gonna be hi byes??or will there be plenty to talk abt???will i haf to wait for 4 years too..when i least expect it???
Just hope to see her..know how she's doing...tts all.....period

Saturday, November 1, 2008