Thursday, December 31, 2009


another year get faster every year..
new year resolution..
-graduate with at least a second upper..
-make more money..
-graduate trip to Europe..
-meet new people..make new frenz
-further my studies??
-i still want my iphone..
-be friends with her again..
-workout the body..
-eat less..
-have something memorable to look back to..

Sent her a Christmas card this year..went missing last year as i was working and everything was still in a mess..just wanna keep in touch..nothing much else..everywhere is crowed now..hope she's fine..

been busy organising meet ups with people..meeting up is good..makes me realise it's time to wake up my more in school..need to start planning for future..the thing about future is you know not what will happen..if that's the case..then how to go about planning for it? everyone's going aboard..wonder when it's my turn..was rather shock to know one of my fren decided to call it quits here and go overseas for least for leave everything behind and go to a new environment..not easy..
Economy's picking up..hope it'll be good news for everyone next year..
I still don't see myself working for others..hmmm..strat a business then..lots of ideas..but lack the doing it...will see..
Ashton is starting to mumble stuff already..very soon he'll be calling daddy is so simple actually..why do we complicate things when we eventually grow up...heavens should be filled with babies and children..only then there wont be complicate adults to complicate life..
need to look for 2 picture of him to contest in some cute baby competition..hmmm..gotta take more photos of my cute nephew then =)
Life should be simple..

Maybe i've been complicating things myself..should look at things in different perspective..maybe been looking at the complicated side of things..and everything just seems so up at times..i'm still looking for a worthy charity organisation to work with..was helping out at MAW..but things weren't what i expected..nothing wrong with MAW..just feel it's not a long term thing at MAW..

New year's eve programme really sucks..need to find some entertainment for now..

Happy New Year people..have a great one ahead..