Friday, May 20, 2011


Gave my virgin vote in GE 2011
Started work with
Going for Jetstar interview in June

Now in detail.

This GE will be remembered as the GE of modern Singapore. As much as there are the cries of a need for opposition voices in parliament, the PAP still won majority of the seats. Statistics aside, PAP still has the say the next 5 years. This is the GE whereby it serves as a wake up call for the government. A modern society doesn't just look at economic progress as the only factor for choosing who to govern, it's much more complicated than that, and the PAP definitely realized it this time round. There may not be a next time if they slip up again.
The feeling on the ground is one of the people feeling unhappy in that as much as the head is leading, the body is trying very hard to keep up. and if a balance is not maintain, the only outcome is breakdown.
The new cabinet has 11 new postings in 14 ministries. Is that a signal of transformation? Does having a revamp of cabinet posting changes anything? Essentially, the government has done well and they do have track records to prove. I believe what people want is for the people in power to built upon those success and provide a more balanced equation of happiness vs progress. It's not easy to achieve, and achieving it will justify the hefty ministers' pay.
Roomorama, still have trouble pronouncing the word, is an online start up. I'm doing business development for them. Frankly speaking, I know nuts about business. But I guess I'll need to start somewhere. Been rejected frequently due to a lack of working experience. Therefore when the opportunity arise, I didn't have to think much, plus the conditions are pretty okay I guess. Two weeks into it, still not really settled down as they are in the mist of getting a new office space and staff, so things are pretty confusing to begin with.
The Jetstar offer came as I signed the contract with Roomorama. What great timing! The selection process is some what same and different from SIA I think. Let's just see where I'll go with this opportunity.

May is Audrey's birthday. Wish her a happy belated birthday and may all her wishes comes true.