Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chance encounter

It's been awhile since. Looks like the intervals between posts are getting longer and more irregular.
Everything at Roomorama is going fine, although quotas are getting harder and harder to reach. But other than that aspect and the structure-less concept of the current company, everything is going well.( Although I should be more pro-active in my aproach)
I am having lots of business ideas and I'm getting a few friends in to develop them further. Most involved IT and apps development. If we can pull it off in South East Asia, it'll be awesome. The market have lots of potential and we definitely hope to get the first mover advantage. Let's all pray things will be good this time round.

Shot a wedding for a JC friend, photos still not done yet. Done a wish delivery for Make a Wish Singapore over the passed weekend and it was great! Got to go onto all the awesome rides in Universal Studios Singapore and have VIP access throughout all thanks to the relationship between MAW Singapore and USS at RWS. Everyone was like queeing for the rides but we simply just " cut " them and go ahead o the queues!!!!
But the price for a VIP ticket is about 6 times the normal price I think. The wish included an IPad surprise as well which we felt quite bad making the wish child cry a little because she was not able to solve the riddle we had in place for her.

That done, I'm now doing my ICT, thus my quota for this month will be badly affected.
And then there was the chance encounter last Sunday when I was shopping for stuff at JP. While I was exiting a particular store, I saw her walking in my direction and accompaning her was another girl. I was totally taken by surprise and I didn't know what I should do at that point in time. Should I say hi or should I just walk away. I looked in the opposite direction as we brushes passes each other. The furthest distance in the world is I was just there but she'll never know. She looked fine and happy. Nothing much was changed I guess. Still looked pretty much the same way I remembered. 4 years and 2 months! That was how long it took for someone living in the same general area to have a chance encounter like this. So so long.
I didn't know what to say, so I followed awhile before leaving.
I guess it's enough just to have a look and know that everything is fine and good for her.

I really hope you are happy always...