Saturday, April 19, 2008

Beauty awaits...

Just outside my windows...=), originally uploaded by pinkass.

Looking at such a beautiful scene...let us just take a step back from the negative news on Tibet...Olympics...terrorism...crimes...povety...rising oil prices and commodities..Wall Street...

Take a step look at the beauty of things around you..beside you..or just outside your windows..
Take a step back...and realise we are not that poor actually...and not all problems are impossible to solve...
Take a step back...and feel the warmth of sunsets...and feel the greatness of life...we're not that lonely...

Give thanks to all these beauties...and reflect on how much we actually have around us...take a step back and you'll get back so much more than the step you took....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Leap of Faith

Taking the step...the 1st step...the 1st step in many months...

Just when life seems bad without's been getting quieter...
Just when i wanna forget...more seems to come back...

Everything that i do..everywhere that i go..i think of you...
But everything i do..i do it alone...and everywhere i weren't there anymore...

Meeting new friends...making new acquaintances...
Nothing means more than seeing you once more...

Life has derail a little bit...but soon it'll go back on track...
When the road ahead seems impossible to cross...hope is just round the corner...
We just have to keep walking and hope...hope all things..give all things..pray all things...
Not for miracles...not for impossibilities...
But for reachable...for possible... for the future...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Open Your Heart 2008 finalist

This is a copy of the pic that was in the open your heart case anyone nv see it before...

Wanna say a big thank you to all you who supported me =) !!!
Especially Cindy and Kok who came down to show ya lots...
Though i din win..but it was even better to know that i've great frenz who supports wad i do!!!
I think in that sense...i've won more than anything else...

The 3K went to Sk..who introduce me to the competition..look for his pics on under the name sprintist86!!! great pics..great talent..

Next up is Singapore young photographer award(SYPA) ..haha...deadline's drawing close..and i'm no way near submiting any pics yet..hmmm..really busy these days with exams coming in may..