Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Leap of Faith

Taking the step...the 1st step...the 1st step in many months...

Just when life seems bad without's been getting quieter...
Just when i wanna forget...more seems to come back...

Everything that i do..everywhere that i go..i think of you...
But everything i do..i do it alone...and everywhere i weren't there anymore...

Meeting new friends...making new acquaintances...
Nothing means more than seeing you once more...

Life has derail a little bit...but soon it'll go back on track...
When the road ahead seems impossible to cross...hope is just round the corner...
We just have to keep walking and hope...hope all things..give all things..pray all things...
Not for miracles...not for impossibilities...
But for reachable...for possible... for the future...

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