Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Heavy hearted.......

Been busy..prelims is round the march..
working hard towards it..done a couple of wedding and a corporate shoot for NUH..

Ashton was hospitalised..some unknown disease..but doctors guess it something that attacks the white blood cells..seeing him in tubes..and still playful at the same time..such is his strength to fight even at a small tender age..everything is more stable now..but reviews still have to be conducted..doctors fear the jab they gave him might have side effects on the long run and that he may have to be on medication for long..but for now..everything seems fine..and i noe it'll be just have to be..
on the lighter side..he has been through his first LNY..receiving hugs and loves and of cos lots of ang pao..

Been watching 咖啡王子一号店..really like the show..maybe it's the rich's lifestyle tt attracts me..i've been poor for too long..haha..but really, it's the simple sweet relationship between friends and lovers..and the friendly family ties that accompany the male's something i look forward may be fantasy..made up...but to have a goal is good..and it's not totally impossible..go eun chan portrayed by yoon eun hye is really sweet's really hard to find someone lidat in reality..which made it fresh and refershing...

lastly..been feeling heavy hearted the past couple of's that general feeling of something is wrong in your heart..can't explain...but just not right..close to a heartache..but not close enough..not that i've got anyone new..rather..i dunno..

she's been gone for 3 years now..time flies..when you're alone..faster than you realise..faster than you can react..hmmm..still misses her at times..wonder if it's becoming a habit..if it is..den it's bad..cos i'll always remember this phrase from my primary school teacher..
"when you remove still have ABIT...when you remove still have that BIT...even when you shake off still have IT..never start a bad'll be very hard to remove.."

will be busy again starting today...back to school..back to mugging..all coming to an end..end of studies..wads next..i wonder.....

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