Sunday, March 30, 2008

Open Your Heart!!!

Hey pple..rmb the pic you help voted in the HIV awareness photography competition??
And now i need your help again....simply visit the Open your Heart tentage outside orchard cinelesiure anytime until 2pm on 30th March Sunday!!! and sms vote for my pic!!!
Simply type : 16 [space] (Your Name) [space] (NRIC)
And send it to 82569446 and you're done!!
Voters stand to win some prizes too!!!

It's ok if you dun vote but do go down to the place whereby u get to see pics telling you more abt AIDS and discrimination and stuff like that..and bascially tells you more abt the suitation here in Singapore...It's for a good can even learn about how to become a volunteer there..just approach the friendly stuff for any queries!!!
I noe it's a little late now..12:24 am as it is now..but i pray somehow you guys will read this and go down to take a look...there're some really good photos the action and not just me!!!

i'll be there tomorrow too..hope to see some familar faces!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hmmmm...something's wrong with my hotmail..arhhhhhzz....
Damn sianz...Dunno if it's kana hacked or something wrong with the system...
My mails and folders are all gone...!
at the moment...still dunno the effect/consequences yet...lets just hope nth ugly will hpn..
exams coming...and i'm not studying hard enough...hmmm..need help!!!
finding it so hard to focus lately..cant afford to expensive to fail..haha...just have to work harder each day...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Paying respect

Just went to pay my respect to my grandparents...It's been awhile since my whole family went out together...everyone is busy with the daily chores..only so free to think so much time on my hands...wasted...
Been having a bad flu...sianz...
Was back in sch for revision last week..dunno where it's heading..still pretty much hafnt started any revision yet..but i'm getting there...=)

Found a nice book recently..titled : How to stop worrying and start living...
Realised that worrying and me is quite related actually...
"The worried person must lose himself in action, lest he wither in despair. "
So true are those words...i was too free..and my mind was too idling..which caused me to start thinking abt anything and everything...and eventually resulted in her leaving...The thing abt the book is that all that is taught is bascially very fact..most of the stuff we already know..but doing it is not so simple...sometimes the simplest of things seems so complicated...

A quote from professor William James, " acceptance of what has happened is the first step in overcoming the consequences of any misfortune. "
It may seem so easy...but coming to terms with wad had happened is nv simple..but if i wanna move's something i'll have to start doing...and soon...lest i wither in despair...

" For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day! "


Markers of life..paint my life with rainbows!!!

A lost vision...

Shiya's wedding...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008






oh 不想看你那么累


Friday, March 14, 2008

Childish pics...

Was browsing through some of my old old pics just now with my mom...for my bro's childhood photo montage..
It's really fun to look through your old pics..lots of memories will just flood your mind almost instantly..
Seen how cute we were when we were young...seen how much my parents have aged...seen how fashion have changed...and realized how much we've far we've come..
I realize i was smiling so much back in those days...of cos there's tears too...lots of it...and it's all part of growing up i guess...but how come my smiles have become so awkward???

It's been awhile since my family took a picture together...even though i got myself a Dslr...but i didn't really use it on my family...sad to say that...been focusing on the wrong things and neglected wad matter family...
Been really envious on those who have a happy family...but ask i doing enough to have a happy family??i guess my answer is's not hard yet tricky...matters of human relation is no easy thing to master...i'm trying..i'm learning..

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sick Day

It's been awhile since i fall sick...
Last time was a few months back...
Poeple say when one fall ill....they're the most vulnerable...
But i think it's those pple around the ill who feels vulnerable..
simply because these pple like ur mom and dad haf to tahan your nonsense...ur unreasonable request...just because we're sick..recalling the time i was sick when she was around...i was so unreasonable...feels so wrong...expecting her to take care of me...that's so childish of me...
It's not wad to expect but wad u can gif...such simple words but often so hard to do...
So the next time we fall ill...please try to be less unreasonable and less expecting...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

P.S. I Love You...

Just came home after watching P.S. I Love You.
Not wad I've anticipated it to be..but it's still alright...not those movies that u can cry your heart fact there's more funny moments then the heartbreaking scenes...
The Irishman portrait in the film is really nice..very lovable actually..which is why Holly just can't forget him...At the end of's not about forgetting someone you's about remembering him/her and making sense for everything you do...and moving on as he/she lives in your heart...It takes time and it's painful when you have to realize he/she is never coming back...he/she you held so dearly...and to come to terms with the fact that this chapter of your life has ended...and to turn the page to a whole new chapter...
Tot I saw her on my way heart skipped a beat...maybe it's not her I dunno..the thing is i wanted to step up and approach her..but 3 steps down and i hesitated..mind was blank..and i turn around and walk away...
Maybe i wasn't ready...maybe i still haven't come to terms with myself....maybe i dun wanna see them so blissfully together...maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me...maybe...just maybe..

P.S. I miss you...

Monday, March 3, 2008


Hafnt been shooting much sunset since last sept...diz was taken by her at Sentosa last sept..was sorting out my pics and realise i can gif it a different added some touch of blurr to it...turns out ok...
Looking forward to more sunsets AND sunrises...haha..but exams other commitments...which is the reason to my shoots recently being more on indoors rather than outdoors where there's plentiful of natural light...
got myself a new lens---tamaron 28-70 f2.8...seems pretty good at the moment..hopefully it'll get better..

At this point in time..i really dunno where i'm heading in terms of my future..everything's still pretty hazy and overcast...will i be doing photography??videography??banking??pilot??traveler??really dun see the answer just yet..can i haf everything??haha..
I seems to be so indecisive at times..but at other times..i'm impulsive..doing things that i may regret later..sometimes i tot i noe myself very well..but many times i feel so lost...i'm ambitious yet overly cautious...sometimes not even doing anything fearing failure will befall..being pessimistically optimistic...i like to plan for the worse..because i dun like to be caught by surprise...such characteristics...M i made for great things..or wilted in the face of obstacles ??
Will my future be bright and sunny..or will it be blurred just like the photo..hmmmm...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Please VOTE!!!

Be Responsible

Hiv/Aids awareness photography competition
One of the common reason to the widespread of Aids is irresponsibility.
Furthermore, the ability to stay anonymous makes it even tougher to tackle.

If you love your partner, if you love yourself, then do yourself and your partner a favour : Don't leave it to chance and fate, because it only takes one chance to strike the jackpot !

Be responsible for your actions...
Alas, practice safe sex !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all you who is reading this at this moment...if u agree with wad i said and you like this photo..and would like to do a part for raising HIV/AIDS awareness...please go to the following website and vote for me!
you can vote as many times as you like but only 1 per day...
Vote for me !!!


Went for my first trial on videography...feels kinda hard..a picture captures the most interesting moment...a video(motion picture) captures a series of such moments..and everything is like happening so fast..unlike photography..where u can at times..hafe the time to perfectly arrange for the perfect angle and video..u miss it..once it's gone..very fast..
We went to a client's home in the afternoon..MS wanna do some extras footage..something like special dvds to specific people they want..dedicated specially to them..
Played ard with the cam..real heavy after a while..but it's pretty much the same as dslr..just some difference here and there..
Then in the evening went for an indian dance performance over at Republic Poly..the dancers are pretty gd..i'm not gd enough to critise..but the 2 performance dance like 2 hrs they must haf pretty gd stamina and memory to memorise all the dance steps..
And i haf some conclusion after watching the dance..tat beatbox...rap...tap dance..all haf some relation to the indian culture..haha..the musicians were like mumbling some stuff which don't sound like anything u noe..upz for the performance..
Overall video is quite interesting and's similar yet different from photography..hope can do better soon...