Tuesday, March 31, 2009

-The vibrant before the storm-
keep getting stuck in work today..didn't do much at all..ahhhh..time is winding down on me...hmmm..tummy is constantly giving me problems.. =(
things are pretty calm now..but i've got a bad feeling..haha..like something's gonna happen..not that i know what's gonna happen..but rather a premonition..and sometimes they're really accurate..
If you know something is gonna happen..will you do anything to change it? because if you do..another change is triggered by your actions?because everything in this world is on a balance..and it'll always strive to restore that balance..so whatever you do or not do will trigger a reaction..like say you don't work hard when you're young..most probably when you're old..you'll suffer..so when you decided to do or not do something..think of the repercussion..

-the simplest answer is often right in front of you-

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Spent my evening in Kuishinbo..yeah..food..
My elmo was fully bloated =(
It's always like this..work out one day..next day eat eat eat..
no wonder my scale is increasing..
Found out that excel can do graphs..haha..noobie me...but yea..i learn fast..haha..

One important trait..positive trait in me is that i learn things fast..if i put my mind to it..someone who can do really well when i put my heart to something..something some people told me before..and i didn't think much about it..because i don't put my heart into much things..but when i do that, i normally do well.. =)
I'm not without confident..not overly confident also..
To me confidence comes from knowledge and practice..with knowledge, you'll know how to handle things and with practice, you make things to perfection..
so no one is without real confidence, they just need to increase their knowledge and practice more on the things that they need to do..

Found a perfect spot for the singapore pixel contest themed contrast..well not exactly found but chance upon a picture on flickr that look like the place i've been looking for!!! now the next step is to find that location..it's suppose to be some HDB that overlook chinatown and the financial district..perfect contrast of singapore's rich culture of tradition verse the modern financial district..
Deadline's 10th april, gosh..everything is coming at me so quickly..changes, deadlines...i really don't like this period of the year, ie march till june..cos it's always so hectic..

Been making a conscience effort to not use short-forms and type the proper words in this blog entry..realised if i keep using "u..abt..tat.." and things like these i'll not be able to use proper english when i'm at work in the future..so it's good to start practicing and hopefully things will become better =)

-one step at a time-

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Football positions

went for a football game today...feels so tired..haha..got some cuts here and there..but it was gd..
feels gd to play..with friends..weather was not forgiving..but got a little tanner..so not complaining..

Was thinking when i jus started playing..i noe nuts abt it..it was back in sec 1..we started wif those little plastic ball..it was a new environment for me..so playing football was the best way to blend in..was right footed..so began playing defence..as all beginners..i think..run alot along the flanks without the ball..chasing the ball most of the time..tt was also where i got my speed from..yes..from playing football..haha
mths..years..passed..switched over to the proper football..played in a more attacking role..and mostly because of my pace..but i've scored a couple of goals and my new position was rather cemented..and after awhile..u'll start to become lazy and u forget about defending..
Den recently as i aged..haha..started to move into a more central role..learning how to release the more runnnable players and control the whole midfield..creating goals rather than scoring them..enjoying this new role..and learning as each game passes..
Thats the thing about football..it's not jus abt a bunch of guys chasing after a ball..u learn wif each match..adapt to different situation and working hard for your teammates..of cos stamina and fitness plays an important role..

after game went over to holland v for dinner..NYDC again..lol..but this time round..it's nicer..haha..met cindy there too..but was too tired to talk at all..
talked abt things over dinner..kok brought up the topic of how close u're wif ur sibilings..guess he was thinking abt it cos he's the only child in the family..

i used to be quite close to my bro when i was young..as u grow older..the distance seems wider..not say distant..but jus not close..seldom tok oso since him moving out..

morning went sao mu..the day b4 slp only 2 hrs..so effectively i've only slept 4 hrs in 48 hrs..omg..aging damn quickly as i'm sleep deprived..knees burning up..but shld be ok tmr..there's this term call after wake syndrome..i came up wif it..meaning after a hard day of physical training..u go to slp..the next day u wake up..u'll feel the full effect of the aches and pain which u din feel immediately after ur training..the morning sunrise while i was at the cementry was amazing..pity i din bring my cam along..maybe find a day go take picture..
haha..tatboo..but my grandma will be there to look after me..made a few wishes today..hope she heard and maybe help help abit..

-to err is jus human-

Friday, March 27, 2009

"we can never become who we are if we keep looking over our shoulders thinking what could have been?"
~Chloe, Smallville 8~

The stuff is ready..been doing it for quite a few nights already..really looking like panda now..
It's not something that worth a lot, but it's just made from my best wishes for now and ever...there seems to be some progress going on on their side..more so now after what she wrote on her blog..the guy more eager now..hmmmmmm..
help her wif a film research paper..hopefully it helps..

feeling...not so gd..tot i can get over it easily..since nth much developed..but but but..dunno..ask her out tmr but she's busy..hmmmm..wif sch work and stuff..

shld i actually be doing all these..i've asked myself..shld i be doing wad i'm doing?? am i lingering around hoping she'll be mine one day?or am i really jus doing this bcos i'm a friend?is there something that i shld do and something that i shldn't do now?
they say when it rains it usually pours..and it happens pretty often to me...so shld i be taking reference from the past , meaning things will never go my way, or shld i look forward and jus keep on moving..let there rain and jus deal with things as they come? But then again..一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳...

I'm not doing things for her..be nice and stuff cos i'm hoping for something..at least not entirely..i'm lidat..maybe the feelings make it more than willing..but inside me..i'm jus lidat.. i'm quite sure she's keeping a distance and i dun blame her..i respect that decision..cos in a way it's helping me..a weird way..and i dun complain..of cos it stings..but i'm not complaining..as much as i wan this so call friendship to work..it takes two hands to clap..so sometimes it really stings..

I'm not an expressive person..but matters of the heart really made me wanna say alot of things..but somethings can/should never be said now..no matter wad i do or not do..he's always 1 up..it's a fact that i'll haf to deal wif..

exams coming and it really sucks..and concentrating is so hard..really wanna do well..not jus say say..hmmm..

..nice guys end last..but last guys are not nice..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A friend of ten years...told her to let me take a proper shot..but this was all i could get..prefered it all natural though..haha

10 years..can u imagine?? how many 10 years one has in a lifetime? i've taken 2 already..and sad to say..i'm not too proud abt wad i've done with them..and it's already 3 yrs into my 3rd..wad more have i done with it?
gotta buck up already yo..

Talked abt things..everything seems like just yesterday..futures..plans..and nydc is not tt nice..lol..maybe it's jus me..she wasn't complaining tho..asked me when i've learnt to take thigs so easily as i'll be doing a wedding shoot for my ex..my ans: i've grown up and the feelings have passed..
come to think of it..realised i'm the one updating rather than updating each other..lol..was telling her we gotta meet up more often..dun wanna wait some 10 yrs b4 another meet up arise..dunno how many 10 yrs we've got..lol

Met cindy last night abt the japan trip..still pondering..cos the fares over in japan is rather pricey..tho the air ticket is cheap..but over there..hmmm..but really feel like going..even tho japan was nv in mind when i've decided to travel..lol gotta make a decision fast..eeee...if only i'm a rich kid..then i wont haf to blink an eye b4 saying yes..hmmmm..

gotta go mug liaoz..hafnt been studying diz days..die die..

Monday, March 23, 2009


Not happy..not at all..
y do humans feel more for unhappy stuff rather than happy things...and that we remember the unhappy things more and that happy stuff are easily forgotten..
and when it rains it pours...wanting so much to leave..

All my bags are packed
I'm ready to go
I'm standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin
It's early morn
The taxis' waitin
He's blowin his horn
Already I'm so lonesome
I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
cause I'm leavin on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Every place I go, I'll think of you
Every song I sing, I'll sing for you
When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
cause I'm leavin on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times, I won't have to say

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
cause I'm leavin on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

But, I'm leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go


  • Entangled

  • Too bad i wasn't able to be present for the 1st anniversary held at the supperclub..exams and stuff..this is my first award..haha..so to speak..no prize but still happy..somemore i'm the last person..week 52nd..haha..damn heng..
    So now it gives me tt little bit more to up my level some more..for more awards in future..it's gd to be recognised for wad u're doing..photography is my 2nd serious hobby after running..and i intend to do it well..even if not going to go into commercial or wad..at least the standard have to be there..and i oso hope one day i'll be able to have my own exhibition =)

    Wednesday, March 18, 2009





    Shapes of everyday things...hearts..lines..curves..
    Little little things you and i missed in our hectic lives..simple things created by light and shadows...
    Have you ever wonder how much u've missed?

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009

    差一点 你就是我的女人
    差一些 手牵手的完整

    感觉像一个旅程 走完了就分
    差一点 你就是我的女人
    差一些 就和你共度一生
    差一点 你就是我的女人
    差一些 手牵手的完整

    差一点 你就是我的女人
    差一些 就和你共度一生
    差一点 你就是我的女人
    差一些 手牵手的完整

    Monday, March 16, 2009

    Blissful Journey

    Wedding of Adrain and Pauline..
    was introduce to them by a fren..this is the 3rd diz yr..looking at the blissfulness of these lovely couples...it does rub off to me a bit..
    A marriage, the union of a couple..it is possible only through love..and lots of courage and understanding....
    From dating to marriage..some may take a while..others take a long while..but it's all hardwork..and only those in the picture will noe if it's worth it..

    Saturday, March 14, 2009

    Another day of shoot..
    Talked abt things...
    Hope things goes well for her =)
    Enjoy your Saturday =)

    Wednesday, March 4, 2009

    The remedy

    I saw fireworks from the freeway
    And behind closed eyes I cannot make them go away
    'Cause you were born on the fourth of july, freedom ring
    Now something on the surface it stings
    I said something on the surface
    Well it kind of makes me nervous
    Who says that you deserve this
    And what kind of god would serve this?
    We will cure this dirty old disease
    If you've got the poison I've got the remedy

    The remedy is the experience.
    This is a dangerous liaison
    I say the comedy is that it's serious.
    This is a strange enough new play on words
    I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend
    The rest of your nights with the light on
    So shine the light on all of your friends
    When it all amounts to nothing in the end.

    I won't worry my life away.

    I won't worry my life away.

    I heard two men talking on the radio
    In a cross fire kind of reality show
    Uncovering the ways to plan the next big attack
    They were counting down the ways to stab
    The brother in the be right back after this
    The unavoidable kiss, where the minty fresh
    Death breath is sure to outlast this catastrophy
    Dance with me, because if you've got the poison,
    I've got the remedy

    The remedy is the experience.
    This is a dangerous liaison
    I say the comedy is that it's serious.
    This is a strange enough new play on words
    I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend
    The rest of your nights with the light on
    So shine the light on all of your friends
    When it all amounts to nothing in the end.

    I won't worry my life away.

    I won't worry my life away.

    When I fall in love I take my time
    There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind
    You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine and I'll tell you why


    The remedy is the experience.
    This is a dangerous liaison
    I say the comedy is that it's serious.
    This is a strange enough new play on words
    I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend
    The rest of your nights with the light on
    So shine the light on all of your friends
    When it all amounts to nothing in the end.

    I won't worry my life away.

    I won't worry my life away.

    I won't and I won't and I won't

    Monday, March 2, 2009


    Feeling trapped..
    In between the light and shadows lies a cage..
    A cage that keeps me apart..
    Binds me to the same spot..
    With the key thrown away..
    will i ever be free one day?