Friday, March 27, 2009

"we can never become who we are if we keep looking over our shoulders thinking what could have been?"
~Chloe, Smallville 8~

The stuff is ready..been doing it for quite a few nights already..really looking like panda now..
It's not something that worth a lot, but it's just made from my best wishes for now and ever...there seems to be some progress going on on their side..more so now after what she wrote on her blog..the guy more eager now..hmmmmmm..
help her wif a film research paper..hopefully it helps..

feeling...not so gd..tot i can get over it easily..since nth much developed..but but but..dunno..ask her out tmr but she's busy..hmmmm..wif sch work and stuff..

shld i actually be doing all these..i've asked myself..shld i be doing wad i'm doing?? am i lingering around hoping she'll be mine one day?or am i really jus doing this bcos i'm a friend?is there something that i shld do and something that i shldn't do now?
they say when it rains it usually pours..and it happens pretty often to shld i be taking reference from the past , meaning things will never go my way, or shld i look forward and jus keep on moving..let there rain and jus deal with things as they come? But then again..一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳...

I'm not doing things for nice and stuff cos i'm hoping for least not entirely..i'm lidat..maybe the feelings make it more than willing..but inside me..i'm jus lidat.. i'm quite sure she's keeping a distance and i dun blame her..i respect that decision..cos in a way it's helping me..a weird way..and i dun complain..of cos it stings..but i'm not much as i wan this so call friendship to takes two hands to sometimes it really stings..

I'm not an expressive person..but matters of the heart really made me wanna say alot of things..but somethings can/should never be said matter wad i do or not do..he's always 1's a fact that i'll haf to deal wif..

exams coming and it really sucks..and concentrating is so hard..really wanna do well..not jus say say..hmmm..

..nice guys end last..but last guys are not nice..

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