Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Ashton

More of Ashton's pics..

Happy Birthday baby Ashton !!!!!
wooo..i'm officially uncle..haha...went down to the hospital just now...just came home..he's so small !!! too bad we cant stay for long..i can see my new model for my portraitures..hehe
Mom says he's a good life cow bcos he's born at night..night time cows are hope he's as lucky as wad my mom says.. =)
-A new beginning..a new hope..a new life-

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We should never say some things when we're in a state of instability..cos anything said will just be somethings tt's said in the heat of all the emotional unrest..which will cloud your judgement..well..having said that..i'll just haf to face the consequence of the outburst..
today is not a gd day...totally wad i my sis in law..she's in the hospital now..some complications occur..hmmm..

If everything goes well..i'll be an uncle tmr...i guess child matter wad era it is..will always be a dangerous process..even in this times where we assumed science is so advance..complications always occur..and u cant help but to feel helpless at times..
to quote from my bro..the baby poo in the womb..hmmmsth i've never heard of but potentially dangerous..which is y the doc is trying to get the baby out now even as i'm typing all this..

life is made up of by day everything adds up..wealth..age..problems..etc
but it is through substraction that we find peace and contentment..
we always look for more..not knowing that we already have wad we need in our hands..
there's nothing wrong going for greater things in life..but we should never forget wad we already have right in fromt of us..else we'll pay a great price for it when it's gone and away from us..

-sometimes all we have is hope-

Sunday, April 26, 2009

100th post

This is my 100th post !!!
after so long finally reached my 100th..haha..
just came home from a shoot..hanwei's sis's 21st
she was wasted and had to be carried onto the car..poor girl..dead drunk..i still don't understand what's so nice about drinking..hmmm and i probably never will understand..will be posting some pics quite frustrated at the's was really dark..and the auto focus had to hunt for quite a while to give me a focus point..hmpf..what's the use of a photographer in darkness???

seeing hanwei's family..envious..mine could never be like that...probably because the age gap is too great for mine..and we're not as affluent..kinda lost tonight..not too sure what to was cramped..lights dimmed..challenge..but do get some interesting pictures..hope can find the time to edit them soon..

a lot of people question why photographers charge so much when all they have to do is to stand in-front of you and say "ready..1..2..3.. smile !!! and press the shutter release button and you get a picture..well..that's because you people never get to see the work behind getting that picture and the cost not known to people who are not in this line..
Before a photographer started his career..he's probably gotta go for the entry dslr and lenses..try out on his own..all this time not earning a penny other than the satisfaction from a good photo..when he decided to go pro...have to buy better dslrs..better lenses and work..faster computers..hundred of hours shooting and thousands more behind the monitor screen doing up the final touches for that picture you see and decide whether if it's worth your money...what I've mentioned is just some of the things i know..of cos I'm not at the pro level some of the other hidden effort and cost I'm not sure off..but all these mentioned comes up to a great number...
so next time when you wanna engage a not question why we charge this and that..question the quality level we're at..ask for our portfolio..then if it satisfy your needs then engage the photographer..there's one for every budget..

never really study today...slept late..woke up late..reach home late..late late late..LATE seems to always get to me..I'm constantly trying to shake it off but it always caught up to gotta burn the wee hours lamp oil after I'm finish with this..

texted her when i had time in between my shoot just now..i felt this complex feeling inside me..frustration..disappointment..sad..angry..dejected..helpless..used..happy..glad..drunked(my plain water became liquor..hanwei's aunt changed it and i thought it's lime juice)..very complex la..I'm surprise i can feel so many things at one go and not go crazy..i wish i had the courage to just tell her what i feel..patience i have..but it's no use..effort i put in..but it's not i gave..but it's too little..
i don't know what else to do already..nothing i did seems to work..and when you start to feel's just that much harder..knowing that what you're doing will eventually go down the drain..then why do so much? it takes 1/5 courage and 4/5 naiveness to hang on..when courage runs out...we start to look naive...

There's no such thing as a happy ending..not for have has to do so much good in his/her life..I've done too much bad..i won't have a happy ending..

Don't believe in karma...just do to the best of your
ability...and leave no regrets...if all else fails...look back...and smile because it happened

Sunday, April 19, 2009


  • Susan Boyle

  • Guess by now most people have seen what Susan Boyle did on the show...
    A few lessons learnt...

    Don't judge a book by it's cover...always give it a chance to understand a person before you pass the judgement on someone..

    If u believe in your dreams...go work hard for it...people might scorn at your looks blah blah..but if you have the substance...don't be afraid to go for what you believe in..

    Sometimes when you feel that you know somebody...understand some people..don't be so sure...we're afterall unique individuals..each and everyone of our thoughts and actions are unique...some similarities may occur once in awhile..but don't judge..always give someone the chance that most people don't get...

    Hanging out more often with a person may allow you to get to know them better...their likes and dislikes..habits..good and bad..and goes two ways..and when you starts to feel unappreciated in the process..things starts to change..most people wants to be it their time..their company..their do show those you care your appreciation..

    and when all that you're doing can't even compare to what a few texts from someone's not might not have realise..but when you're smiling when you're looking at the text msg at times..the smile that's so warm..but it's not meant for you..Love is a complicated feeling full of emotions..frustrations..and clouds your judgements and makes you upset over the simpliest of things..even aloofness kills..when you say someone is doing that to you..are you doing it to other people...
    You think that by staying around..being'll be able to influence something..but one's mind is more complicated than what we think...Human's greatest flaw is the inability to see what we have in our hands...we always look elsewhere for better things and so we thought..and we think that what we have will always be there and therefore tends to neglect and not appreciate the reason for being happens so damn often even at home...think

    -Are you so short-sighted that you cannot see what's in front-

    Friday, April 17, 2009

    你讨厌被冷落 习惯被守候

    等你等太久 想你泪会流

    爱的痛了 痛的哭了
    哭的累了 日记本里页页执着
    记载着你的好 像上瘾的毒药

    爱的痛了 痛的哭了
    哭的累了 矛盾心里总是强求
    劝自己要放手 闭上眼让你走

    Friday, April 3, 2009

    ~Rock Paper Scissors~

    Which is worse?

    Which is worse...gastric pains or insomnia??
    Answer: when they work hand in hand...
    last night was the worse episode so far..stuck in bed..couldn't sleep..with slight discomfort..when i finally fall asleep..was woken up by the intensifying pain and eveytime i fall back to sleep..this whole cycle repeats...and this morning..wooo..never felt like this before..the pain becomes unified with the heartbeat..ahhh...

    It's almost like a beast inside me devouring me from within..the beast within...ahhhh..think i'll be visiting the doc soon..tho i really don't like them..
    but there's so much thing to be done..revision...collect equipment from sk...shoot on sunday...hmmm..

    My name cards are in !!! haha..but the quality is not as good..probably should have changed the colour profile to adobe srgb...lesson learnt..that's one thing i have no idea at all..which is why i don't do they are expensive..hmmm
    now when people ask for my name card i can give..unlike before..haha..

    -an idle's mind is a devil's playground-

    Thursday, April 2, 2009

    hmmmm...something seems wrong...can't word it..but something is really wrong/different...just feel it there...or not there...hmmmm... study..
