Sunday, April 19, 2009


  • Susan Boyle

  • Guess by now most people have seen what Susan Boyle did on the show...
    A few lessons learnt...

    Don't judge a book by it's cover...always give it a chance to understand a person before you pass the judgement on someone..

    If u believe in your dreams...go work hard for it...people might scorn at your looks blah blah..but if you have the substance...don't be afraid to go for what you believe in..

    Sometimes when you feel that you know somebody...understand some people..don't be so sure...we're afterall unique individuals..each and everyone of our thoughts and actions are unique...some similarities may occur once in awhile..but don't judge..always give someone the chance that most people don't get...

    Hanging out more often with a person may allow you to get to know them better...their likes and dislikes..habits..good and bad..and goes two ways..and when you starts to feel unappreciated in the process..things starts to change..most people wants to be it their time..their company..their do show those you care your appreciation..

    and when all that you're doing can't even compare to what a few texts from someone's not might not have realise..but when you're smiling when you're looking at the text msg at times..the smile that's so warm..but it's not meant for you..Love is a complicated feeling full of emotions..frustrations..and clouds your judgements and makes you upset over the simpliest of things..even aloofness kills..when you say someone is doing that to you..are you doing it to other people...
    You think that by staying around..being'll be able to influence something..but one's mind is more complicated than what we think...Human's greatest flaw is the inability to see what we have in our hands...we always look elsewhere for better things and so we thought..and we think that what we have will always be there and therefore tends to neglect and not appreciate the reason for being happens so damn often even at home...think

    -Are you so short-sighted that you cannot see what's in front-

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