Saturday, May 30, 2009

Time waits for no man..but for this's captured forever..and that's the beauty of Photography !

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ashton's 1st mth

One month has quick..Ashton is one month young..haha..still not much change in terms of size..still sleep a me..haha...
Best time of one's life is when you're still a child..everyone showers you with love and care..though you may not remember much..but the love you will never forget..

So cheers to more happy days ahead for Ashton whose life journey just started..keeping things simple just like now..being happy and content..loved and loving...

-Happy 1st Month ! -

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Disappointment is aplenty in life..

Read something I'm not supposed to have read earlier on..Knowing oneself is not good and people telling you that you're not good enough is two different issue..
Knowing you're not good enough, there's room for you to your pace and on your own..Knowing that others feel you're not good makes things a tat tougher..because they'll already have a bad impression and as we not it's not easy to change one's perception..and as such..double the effort is needed..

A lot of time I question myself what am I gonna do for the rest of my life..and most of the time I've no freaking idea..when i picked up the camera, i thought I've gotten something in the bag..something that I'm good at..something that i can out do least something that I enjoy doing..somewhere down the road when I started thinking maybe I can try and see if I can carve a career out of this hobby..and that's when things starts to become complicated..
When I'm shooting on my own..things is simpler..easier..I only answer to myself..I can take my time to improve my technique..But when you have people to answer to..people breathing down your neck..things certainly gets harder..
I've been getting critiques like suggestive critiques...for example if I do this and that it'll be better..and I appreciate such comments..and if I have a good reason for doing what I did..I'll rebuke..but today's comment was a flat lousy..and that's tough to take in..
And furthermore when it was supposed to be spoken behind your back..that just stinks..I rather is a direct comment so I can find out where has gone wrong..and so I kinda not know how to react..

One setback is not going to hinder me..but I just have to keep things back to simpler terms and not be overly concern about what other people says..good suggestive/constructive comments I'll'll bound to hear..and I should try to take it easy..

Lesson learnt..Don't read messages that's not meant for you..haha..

I'll bounce back like I always do...

-Ignorance is a bliss-

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sick day...

It always happens when i'm having exams..
late nights takes a toll on our body..
popped a couple of pills..feeling drowsy..tts y taking a break..
was toking abt how much stuff i've to chun out after my exams..abt 3 sets of photos..reservice..1 and 6 days...another 2 shoots in June..when can i go for my long deserved holiday??? hmmm...
When you're busy with stuff..your mind wanders idle's mind is a devil's playground..stupid thoughts tends to be planted to your minds when your mind is to an extent it's good to be busy..

Just started using lightroom..feels good..and best of all..i can do batch adjustment under similar conditions..unlike the case in photoshop..further processing is still needed to be done on photoshop though..but still..i think i'll stick to lightroom for simple editing for the time's time saving..and time is money...

prison break has come to an end for season 4..and it appears to be the last season..hmmm..been following the series for yrs now..kinda miss the ending is not the best..there's a debate about a possible season 5..but with the main character dead..i wonder how..but hopefully there will be a season 5 =)

saw a photography competition..but deadline is 2 days from now..real tight..had the photos but can't find help to get them ready as i have 2 papers for the next 2 days..arghhh...

going back to mug...two more days to go..hmmmm

-Certain things are not meant to be...and i knew it-

Monday, May 11, 2009


Regrets is also a form of beauty..because there's still something for us to feel regret about..

-Happiness can be so simple-

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sleeping beauty

Good nights people..sleep tight..sweet dreams =)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Passed out

Passed out..never knew wad this phrase means until today...
went out to buy envelops and mail some pics i've taken to the client..thought it'll be a snappy went out with my specs on instead of my first everything looks overly focus until my eyes cannot take i thought must be because i very long never wear specs out and under such a hot sun...but before i came to a conclusion..i was sitting by the road holding my head which is spinning by now..something was not right...not with my specs but with my for the 5-10 min..i was sort of passed out..omg..
think it's because not enough quality sleep plus wrong human clock mechanism..and of cause the horrible weather..
back home now..still feeling light headed..hmmm
i hate exams..

Monday, May 4, 2009

Finally..all my assignments have more shoots..can finally settle down to study for my exams which starts next week...Did a ROM shoot was means lots of editing to do..haha..blame weather..

Everything went smoothly i guess..not much hiccups..My friend is only 23..her husband is i think 24 or young get married..takes a lot of planning and money...He seems like a reliable guy so i think my friend is in good hands...was taking a ride by her dad to chervons for the buffet dinner..then was talking about how we know each other..then the dad was like saying "你们以前是在一起的阿" but he was referring to use to study in the same school..and on came a moment of silence then laughter..then at the chalet also the same thing with the uncles..haha..omg..was quite awkward..for a moment..though many years have passed since we were together..feelings have passed too..but still somehow there's some awkwardness around..on my side at least..haha..saw her grandparents..still looking strong and healthy after 6 yrs..but think they forgot me already..after all they saw me back then for a while only..

But today's incident dawn on me as to whether i know my feelings? whether i know how to love someone..
i can still faintly remember when she left..i was feeling really upset and stuff..then here I'm shooting for her ROM..what was i thinking actually? hmmmm...if i had really such strong feelings back then..then why am i able to take things so easily now?
human emotions are something science can never predict..somehow I'm confused at times..what am i really feeling...if i really know my feelings i claim to have for..and more so when it's not reciprocate..

It's something i need to learn to understand..

-Do i love as i claim to be??-

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just My Luck

was watching just my luck awhile's about the luckiest woman meeting the unluckiest guy...the moment they kiss..the luckiness(unluckiness) will be passed onto the other person..and it'll manifest within 10 the plot is whether or not to love each other knowing one of them will always be super unlucky while the other can have all the luck in the world..
well of course they ended up together like every love story endings...

In made us wanna sacrifice everything for the other up your luck..hitting a few walls in the process..and the only way to keep it going is when the love is reciprocate..because after that few walls..the next one just got higher and stronger..

How many walls are you willing to hit?

Another take away from the show is..that unlucky guy...after being unlucky for many many years survive by taking things easy and countering one problem at a time...remembering not to open an umbrella indoors..always bring a bag full of tools and kit to tide over anything that can happen..being prepared for the unknown...

We may hit obstacles..some more often..some less..if we keep harping over a issue..staying in that corner..we'll always be stuck there..cursing and swearing about your fate..
Instead..we should take things on a lighter side as much as possible..look at the problem for awhile..think of how to counter it..if really no way..then think of how to adapt to it..over time..obstacles will become lesser..problems smaller..and worries worry of'll feel much better..

-Face your's the only way round-