Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just My Luck

was watching just my luck awhile's about the luckiest woman meeting the unluckiest guy...the moment they kiss..the luckiness(unluckiness) will be passed onto the other person..and it'll manifest within 10 the plot is whether or not to love each other knowing one of them will always be super unlucky while the other can have all the luck in the world..
well of course they ended up together like every love story endings...

In made us wanna sacrifice everything for the other up your luck..hitting a few walls in the process..and the only way to keep it going is when the love is reciprocate..because after that few walls..the next one just got higher and stronger..

How many walls are you willing to hit?

Another take away from the show is..that unlucky guy...after being unlucky for many many years survive by taking things easy and countering one problem at a time...remembering not to open an umbrella indoors..always bring a bag full of tools and kit to tide over anything that can happen..being prepared for the unknown...

We may hit obstacles..some more often..some less..if we keep harping over a issue..staying in that corner..we'll always be stuck there..cursing and swearing about your fate..
Instead..we should take things on a lighter side as much as possible..look at the problem for awhile..think of how to counter it..if really no way..then think of how to adapt to it..over time..obstacles will become lesser..problems smaller..and worries worry of'll feel much better..

-Face your's the only way round-

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