Sunday, January 20, 2008


I think I've already lost you
I think you're already gone
I think I'm finally scared now
You think I'm weak
I think you're wrong

I think you're already leaving
Feels like your hand is on the door
I thought this place was an empire
Now I'm relaxed
I can't be sure

I think you're so mean
I think we should try
I think I could need this in my life
I think I'm scared
I think too much
I know it's wrong
It's a problem
But I'm dealing

If you're gone maybe it's time to come home
There's an awful lot of breathing room but I can hardly move
If you're gone baby you need to come home
Come home
There's a little bit of something me in everything in you

I bet you’re hard to get over
I bet the room just won’t shine
I bet my hands I can stay here
I bet you need more than you mind

I think you're so mean
I think we should try
I think I could need this in my life
I think I'm just scared that I know too much
I can't relate and that's a problem
I'm feeling

If you're gone maybe it's time to come home
There's an awful lot of breathing room but I can hardly move
If you're gone baby you need to come home
There's a little bit of something me in everything in you


The feeling of losing someone really sucks..
You wont know wad to do..where to go...just lost..your whole world collapsed..
You cry but no one knows the pain you're going tru..u blame everything..including yourself..why did you let diz thing hpn..

And nothing you do now seems to make sense just wish one thing which u noe will not be happening unless you're really lucky..nth else matters..

Everyone is asking you to move on..even you yourself is telling you tt..but u just cant do it..the last ting you wan is to start forgetting..cos u've live for her and her alone..once u forget..u cant live anymore..

And so you choose to live a life of regret..of sadness..of missing her..of not knowing where to go wad to do and how to live..but u just haf to do tt..cos other than doing this..u cant live anymore..

Starting to hate yourself more and more..and it all that you can do now..
For wad is gone is gone..wad is now is hell..and wad will be is meaningless..

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